Monday, May 5, 2008

Model Of Penis In Viginia

Advertising daring, crazy traffic

Naples, manifest breasts prosperous

Traffic tilt in Naples because of four posters that show the breasts of a prosperous model only covered by hands. Fuorigrotta installed in the district, four days, the billboards will not go unnoticed and, as stated by the residents, many motorists are now suddenly slow down to enjoy the "Panorama" or that a prolonged stop in front of the photo OSE.

photos are used for the promotional campaign of a national shipping line. ''Nothing that has not already seen - said a passerby who spoke only a few meters from the big picture - but one is certainly impressed by the size. And not just pictures. "The image is repeated four times on the giant poster is accompanied by the slogan" Enta Vesuvius and never so close, "and refers to the possibility of being able to move quickly with its sea connections from Campania to Sicily