Thursday, December 18, 2008

Famosas Mexicanas Foyando

falls from scaffolding, serious worker

falls from scaffolding, serious worker
SAVIANO - Were around the 11 this morning when a 55 year-old worker, Gerardo Holy Li, born in Buccino but resident in Saviano, fell from scaffolding while he works in a room at Palazzo Caravita Sirignano. A flight of three meters after which the man reported numerous injuries and a head wound. He lost consciousness. Immediately rescued by an ambulance of the 118, was first taken to the hospital Santa Maria della Pietà of Nola, and later transferred to hospital of San Leonardo Salerno. E 'kept in a coma, and does not melt even the health prognosis. Workers for a company Saviano, was playing for a few weeks rebuilding and redevelopment of what was once the residence of Prince Caravita a popular destination for many years, even the famous Pupetto, known for his reputation as a bon vivant. The building now belongs to the City of Sirignano, after a protracted dispute with Caravita. On the spot have carried out the necessary checks of the company of the police Baiano, led by Captain Yakut.
Year 17/12/2008 The Number 97

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Light Up T Shirt, Houston

A study on income is in Nola S. Vitaliano is the richest

A study on income is in Nola S. Vitaliano is the richest

NOLA - Here is the map of countries' incomes agro Nolan, drawn on the basis of exploration of the Centre Communication Studies, which has used data provided by the Ministry of Interior and ISTAT. The ranking takes into account the average income per taxpayer in 2007, and the change from the 2006 evaluation. The South, in general, not ride, and this affects the provinces of Campania. For the province of Naples, Capri is the town's richest, the poorest, with its € 6661 per taxpayer and a change of -4.5% is Pimonte. As for the Agro-Vesuvius Nolan, surprisingly the City "scrooge" is San Vitaliano (to nineteenth place in the province of Naples), with its average income of € 13,123 and an increase of 8 percent, 6%. Nola follows, with € 12,707 and a variation of 11, 6%. The poorest countries is rather agro Visciano, for taxpayers with incomes of € 7,293, although records an increase from last year of 5,, 1%. The positive percentage figure comes from San Paolo Belsito (+13.07% compared to 2006) and Massa di Somma, and St. Joseph Striano witnessing a slight decline. As for the Baianese, which falls within the province of Avellino, the richest Sirignano, which is actually the fifth overall despite not large, and the poorer Avella. In Wall, stands and sinks Moschiano Lauro.

is the ranking of countries in the Nolan-Vesuvius: Marigliano (€ 12 682, +10.8%); Cercola (€ 12 608, +15%), San Paolo Belsito (€ 12,607, +13.07%); Pollena Trocchia (€ 12,492, +7.8%); Comiziano (€ 12,444, +12.5%); Scisciano (€ 12,401, +8.7%), Anastasia (€ 12,153, +5.7%); Mariglianella (€ 12 118, +12%); Casamarciano (12,020 €, +11.4), Castello di Cisterna (€ 11,734, +4.7%), Somma Vesuvius (€ 11,217, +7.2%); Acerra (€ 11,165, +9.5%); Cimitile (10,649 euro, +9.8%), Brusco (€ 10,618, +3.7%), Massa di Somma (€ 10 533, -5.7%); Ottavianoo (10,502, +1.2%); Cicciano (10 397 € , + 8.7%); Saviano (€ 10 252, +8%), Liverpool (€ 10,206, +9.4%); Tufino (€ 10 154, + 9.4%), San Gennaro Vesuvius (€ 10 154, +9 , 4%), Campos (9954 euro, +9.9%) Palma Campania (€ 9454, +5,, 4%); Roccarainola (9301 €, + 6.8%), San Giuseppe Vesuviano (€ 9140, -3.8%) Carbonara (€ 8299, +6.1%); Striano (8001, -2.8%) and bringing up the rear for the area Nolana, just Visciano.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Coors Light Beer Gift Baskets

Diana Kleimenova (Big Brother 7), in prison for selling drugs

Diana Kleimenova Olbia (August 19) - certainly end up back in the spotlight, but this time not for its seductive qualities, but by a true story: it is finite in handcuffs on Monday night Diana Kleimenova, the brunette with the fringe of the seventh edition of Big Brother, accused by police of drug dealing at a nightclub in Porto Rotondo, along with his friend. The girl was caught in the act within the room as he took drug money just sold by his friend, Vladimir Mazzocchi, twenty-eight Roman, a practicing lawyer, and hid them in her bra. The two were captured, found in possession of three doses of cocaine and 16 ecstasy tablets and arrested.

Diana, born 27 years ago in Vinnizza, in Ukraine, but living in Rome for years, became famous thanks to imprisonment in the Big Brother house. Now it is again inmate, but prison in Sassari. Mazzocchi, however, was brought in to Tempio.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Nutritional Value Of Dried Mangos

The summer of "you can not." A ban on Capri hooves. Positano: woe to those who eat on the beach

Mind - The summer of "you can not." A ban on Capri hooves. Positano: woe to those who eat on the beach

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Message For Beauty Salon

Campania / Pozzuoli, invests man and flees DECLARED motorcyclist

Campania / Pozzuoli, invests man and flees DECLARED motorcyclist
Investors was formed after a few hours after the accident
Naples, August 12 (AP) - He was hit and killed, his motorcycle with a man 38 years in Marano, but instead to render assistance had escaped by losing their tracks. This morning, accompanied by his lawyer, the investor has made to the police of Pozzuoli (Naples) and gave a full confession about what happened.

The man, aged 35, was sued in a state of freedom of manslaughter and hit and run, as well as for non-compliance with the obligation to stop and render assistance and for refusing to be subjected to clinical tests for establishing whether had driven under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The fatal accident that killed Domenico Manco occurred last night shortly after a .00 in the town flegrea. The military had managed to trace the driver of the motorcycle, but the result can not be located.

The motorcycle was, however, recovered after a few hours in a shed in the summer of relevance of the dwelling used by the family of the investor. The motorcycle, with obvious signs of fatal impact, was of no insurance coverage since 2003 and has been arrested.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Rogers And Son Butter Knives

Ronghi: "A Regional Council useless"

POLICY Napoli - "How can we expect to approve a budget variation in summer when the same then the Regional Council is wasting a billion euro in useless projects? '. It is said that the Deputy Regional Campania, Salvatore Ronghi. "It's probably the case to cancel the board meeting convened for tomorrow, which only serves to groped to approve a change in the budget to encourage some alderman - continued Ronghi -, councilors who squander the European funds usurping a power that is peculiar to the Council namely the programming, as it emerged from the management of the Park-projects. "For him, the MPA" you should give it clarity and not in hotels and such, but in its own premises of the Regional Council, which is why I believe that if the majority of the center tomorrow will discuss the budget only change is better than why not stay home so permits. "
Source: Press Release

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Wedding Almonds Toronto

Pomigliano Jazz Festival 2008 Casa Napoli 2008 Fair

Palco Centrale Pomigliano Jazz (ph Pasquale Ottaiano)

The thirteenth edition of Pomigliano Jazz Festival will be held from Thursday 10 to Sunday, July 13, 2008.
The concerts will take place on two stages of the Public Park Pomigliano of Arc and are free of admission.
The program also includes guides to listen to the jazz, creative workshops for children, exhibitions and artistic performances.
Pomigliano Jazz Festival is the first stage of the third edition of the Jazz Festival circuit in the Province of Naples.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Comic Book Makerfreeware

27 June 2008 to July 6, 2008
Opening of the Exhibition of the House from 27 June to 6 luglioLa Mostra d'Oltremare, thanks to the cooperation and intervention by the Directorate of Industry of the Campania Region dr. Andrea Cozzolino, was intended to bring the 2008 edition of the Fair of the House, after the sudden withdrawal of the previous organization. This choice was dictated by the desire to respect our heritage and public exhibition, which over the years has demonstrated attachment to the trade fair of Naples, among the oldest in Italy. We have established very favorable terms for the visitors (Monday to Friday: 3 € for adults, 1 € for children under the age of 14 years and adults older than 65 years, Saturday and Sunday: 5 € for adults, 3 € for children under the age of 14 years and for adults older than 65 years), while for exhibitors we have provided pricing conditions eccezionali.A tuned for the schedule of events and initiatives taking place during the fair, and we expect the valuable support and cooperation of those who will participate in various ways to this unique edition of the "Our Fair House."

President prof. Raffaele Cercola

House Fair 2008 Exhibition

OltremarePiazzale Tecchio, Via TerracinaDedicata to furniture, garden furniture, handicrafts, consumer goods and gastronomia.Per more info: Period: The event will be held from June 27, 2008 to July 06, 2008 The text was kindly provided by Mostra d'Oltremare spa - Marketing Department
Hotels in Naples
Bed and Breakfast

House Apartments
Other accommodation

Monday, May 5, 2008

Model Of Penis In Viginia

Advertising daring, crazy traffic

Naples, manifest breasts prosperous

Traffic tilt in Naples because of four posters that show the breasts of a prosperous model only covered by hands. Fuorigrotta installed in the district, four days, the billboards will not go unnoticed and, as stated by the residents, many motorists are now suddenly slow down to enjoy the "Panorama" or that a prolonged stop in front of the photo OSE.

photos are used for the promotional campaign of a national shipping line. ''Nothing that has not already seen - said a passerby who spoke only a few meters from the big picture - but one is certainly impressed by the size. And not just pictures. "The image is repeated four times on the giant poster is accompanied by the slogan" Enta Vesuvius and never so close, "and refers to the possibility of being able to move quickly with its sea connections from Campania to Sicily

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Chewing Gum Upset Stomach

New Year, Bulletin of war: 85 injuries in the Naples

Capodanno, bollettino da guerra: 85 feriti nel napoletano eighty-five people are injured in the province of Naples, forty of them in the capital, and of these five children. All were injured by burns barrels. Thus began in 2008 in Campania, of course, stained by the tragedies of Torre Annunziata and Trentola Dugenta, where a thirty year old was killed and a child of 10 years risking his life because of stray bullets.

According to the police budget of the people involved in accidents by year end, throughout Italy, it is alarming, although slightly down on 2006. In total, the 449 minor injuries, with prognosis of less than 40 days, and 24 serious injuries, with more than 40 prognosis.

A New Year's Eve, however, marked by the blood and misery. In Cuneo ended in a double murder at a party for New Year Racconigi, while in Romania Rosarno a seventeen year old was killed by her partner during the year-end festivities. In Rome, a fifteen had a sudden illness while was a party at a friend's home and died instantly. Finally, the bursting of firecrackers caused dozens of injuries, some of them seriously. The girl

Romania, arrived in Calabria two years ago with her parents, and mother of a baby girl two months, was at home with the Italian partner, the father of the child, and with other people. He would be fired and is now in custody for murder, while two others are sought. A Racconigi two young men, an Italian and a minor Albanian, were stabbed to death after a dispute for the sake of passion. With them was a girl 20 years of Genoa. The manager, already arrested, is an eighteen year old.

Blows' s gun were fired to celebrate the cause of injuries to other people: a woman in Palermo 41 year old was hit while on a balcony watching the fireworks. Identical to the fact that another woman was injured in Trani. In Caserta five were wounded, including the small Karim, struggling between life and death with a pistol stuck in his head. The traditional barrels have spared serious injury, and amputations. In tarantino a woman lost the sight in one eye because of 'close burst of a firecracker. Also at risk of having two people, a man and a boy of 17 years in the province of Udine and thirty years of Pompeii.

are also many injuries to the hands when handling the fireworks: in Palermo and 'needed' s amputation of an arm to a man who had a firecracker exploded in his hand. Even amputation of the hands for three people in Rome, one of which had picked up a firecracker from the ground. It risks losing the 'use of both hands in a ventitrenne province of Bari, while a young man injured in the province of Lecce health are trying to save the injured hand. The provisional figures more 'consisting of the wounded from the casks are those recorded in the Naples, a' eighties, in Calabria, where the injured were 20, and the Veneto, where the wounded were a score but all minor.

A 34 year old man, a native and resident of Naples to Foggia, and ' left eye was injured by a firecracker, and that the 'burst close to the face during the festivities of New Year's Eve. Rescue and taken to hospital where doctors had prescribed the hospital, the man refused to stop and it 'went away after the medication. The lesion 'was deemed cured in a month. Overall, the budget for the injured New Year's Eve fireworks in Foggia and 'of eleven people, none of which reported serious injuries.
E 'serious man of 29 years instead of Pompeii, which risks losing an eye to the explosion of a firecracker. The man who was in Poggiomarino and 'was brought to the hospital emergency room Umberto The Nocera Inferiore (Salerno), where the medical staff has decided to transfer at the Department of Ophthalmology 'Old Pilgrims' of Naples.

and Prognosis' confidence. Prognosis from ten to 15 days for the other seven people injured as a result of barrels at year end: five have had to resort to the care of the doctors 'hospital' St. John of God and roar of Aragon 'in the capital, to a' 'Umberto' I Nocera Inferiore and another to the hospital of Sarno. In total, eight people were injured during the New Year celebrations in Salerno and its province. In the province of Caserta injured because of the barrels were 11, 4 in less than last year, but five people were reached by stray bullets, all in the countryside Aversa. In addition to the Tunisian child, there has been in the hospital of Aversa medicare because 'hit by stray bullets grazed a young man of 20 years of Casal di Principe, one of Casaluce of 33 years, a 14 year old and a twenty-one of Aversa.

Pokemon Crystal On Nokia 1mb

New Year, Bulletin of war: 85 injuries in the Neapolitan

eighty-five people are injured in the province of Naples, forty of them in the capital, and of these five children. All were injured by burns barrels. Thus began in 2008 in Campania, of course, stained by the tragedies of Torre Annunziata and Trentola Dugenta, where a thirty year old was killed and a child of 10 years risks his life because of stray bullets.

According to the police budget of the people involved in accidents by year end, throughout Italy, it is alarming, although slightly down on 2006. In total, the 449 minor injuries, with prognosis of less than 40 days, and 24 serious injuries, with more than 40 prognosis.

A New Year's Eve, however, marked by the blood and misery. In Cuneo ended in a double murder at a party for New Year Racconigi, while in Romania Rosarno a seventeen year old was killed by her partner during the year-end festivities. In Rome, a fifteen had a sudden illness while he was at a party in a friend's home and died instantly. Finally, the bursting of firecrackers caused dozens of injuries, some of them seriously. The girl

Romania, arrived in Calabria two years ago with her parents, and mother of a baby girl two months, was at home with the Italian partner, the father of the child, and with other people. He would be fired and is now in custody for murder, while two others are sought. A Racconigi two young men, an Italian and a minor Albanian, were stabbed to death after a dispute for the sake of passion. With them was a girl 20 years of Genoa. The manager, already arrested, is an eighteen year old.

Blows' s gun was fired to celebrate the cause of the injury to other people: a woman in Palermo 41 year old was hit while on a balcony watching the fireworks. Identical to the fact that another woman was injured in Trani. In Caserta five were wounded, including the small Karim, struggling between life and death with a pistol stuck in his head. The traditional barrels have spared serious injury, and amputations. In tarantino a woman lost the sight in one eye because of 'close burst of a firecracker. Also at risk of having two people, a man and a boy of 17 years in the province of Udine and thirty years of Pompeii.

are also many injuries to the hands while handling fireworks: in Palermo and 'needed 's amputation of an arm to a man who had a firecracker exploded in his hand. Even amputation of the hands for three people in Rome, one of which had picked up a firecracker from the ground. It risks losing the 'use of both hands in a ventitrenne province of Bari, while a young man injured in the province of Lecce health are trying to save the injured hand. The provisional figures more 'consisting of the wounded from the casks are those recorded in the Naples, a' eighties, in Calabria, where the injured were 20, and the Veneto, where the wounded were a score but all minor.

A 34 year old man, a native and resident of Naples to Foggia, and 'left eye was injured by a firecracker that and 'broke out near the face during the festivities of New Year's Eve. Rescue and taken to hospital where doctors had prescribed the hospital, the man refused to stop and it 'went away after the medication. The lesion 'was deemed cured in a month. Overall, the budget for the injured New Year's Eve fireworks in Foggia and 'of eleven people, none of which reported serious injuries.
E 'serious man of 29 years instead of Pompeii, which risks losing an eye to the explosion of a firecracker. The man who was in Poggiomarino and 'was brought to the emergency room of the Umberto I of Nocera Inferiore (Salerno) where the fixtures have decided to transfer at the Department of Ophthalmology 'Old Pilgrims' of Naples.

and Prognosis' confidence. Prognosis from ten to 15 days for the other seven people injured as a result of barrels at year end: five have had to resort to the care of the doctors 'hospital' St. John of God and roar of Aragon 'in the capital, to a' 'Umberto' I Nocera Inferiore and another to the hospital of Sarno. In total, eight people were injured during the New Year celebrations in Salerno and its province. In the province of Caserta injured because of the barrels were 11, 4 below last year, but five people were reached by stray bullets, all in the countryside Aversa. In addition to the Tunisian child, there has been in the hospital of Aversa medicare because 'hit by stray bullets grazed a young man of 20 years of Casal di Principe, one of Casaluce of 33 years, a 14 year old and a twenty-one of Aversa.