Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Rogers And Son Butter Knives

Ronghi: "A Regional Council useless"

POLICY Napoli - "How can we expect to approve a budget variation in summer when the same then the Regional Council is wasting a billion euro in useless projects? '. It is said that the Deputy Regional Campania, Salvatore Ronghi. "It's probably the case to cancel the board meeting convened for tomorrow, which only serves to groped to approve a change in the budget to encourage some alderman - continued Ronghi -, councilors who squander the European funds usurping a power that is peculiar to the Council namely the programming, as it emerged from the management of the Park-projects. "For him, the MPA" you should give it clarity and not in hotels and such, but in its own premises of the Regional Council, which is why I believe that if the majority of the center tomorrow will discuss the budget only change is better than why not stay home so permits. "
Source: Press Release


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