Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What Does The Mw2 Content Filter Do

Letters that fall in the dark. There

The night keeps tempers. Calms them, yes, cause it is able to exalt the will, but during the day we try to exaggerate the success of a goal that is not really what we want. But at night, between the perpetual satisfy our breaths, we can really listen to the voice of our heart. You often speak a language we do not understand, but that fascinates us so much.

December 30, 2010

The storm is now in the process, but I had just enough time to get to the warmth of my house and now I can be annoying. Feel, however, is enchanting.
Between the crackling of lapilli glowing in the fireplace, I'm here to write what will likely be the last trip of 2010. It will be a year that I really miss, the souvenirs that I will never tire. However, some of them are chipped. They were perhaps too many and my hands were full to pick up all the fly, so I had to bend down to pick up those fallen. Ruined a little bit maybe, but not compromised.

Attracted by the aroma for a moment fruttaceo coming out, I stop to look at the crystal glass on the table. The red wine inside is coming to end, and I can see the sign of my lips drawn perfectly on top of the glass. It is now a piece that is there so, but nevertheless continues to emit scent as if it had just been paid. Many things do not lose their flavor even after an eternity. Retain its charm, like good wine the rest.

first Maybe I exaggerated, it is not true that the wine is then almost finished. The glass is half full. No, half empty. Where is the difference? Well perhaps there is, but defining it as half full for me means being satisfied with what's inside. And take the habit of being satisfied is the most you can do wrong. The half-empty glass is made full of countless little things, drops. Half full rather than end up too many times to settle.

The clock marks the one in the morning, not so late. But now is the time to take a moment to dedicate to me, to read what I write in a hurry in my life. Our life is a great book, and as often happens when we write, at the end of the work we go back to double check for errors. As we reread the product, we realize how many things we would like to change. So it is sometimes better to leave it so, without passing again. The scribbles on the spot and made the mistakes, make it unique.

Before leaving, I agiungere one last thing. A little while ago I happened to see a couple walking hand in hand. In the immense simplicity of this gesture, I think the content is bigger than you can imagine. That pretty intertwining of hands and fingers, is the gateway to that world of dreams where I start to miss them. But they are only letters that fall in the dark.



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