Saturday, December 25, 2010

Xpress Train Online Full

Christmas here.

different this Christmas, full of new because I only crumbs remain. Are those that collect crumbs from the tablecloth with miniziosità of the table after a day of celebration, to accommodate all and return to ordinary life.

In Norway, the home of Protestants, Christmas is celebrated on the 24th. The atmosphere is that of all the Christmases of the world, magical and different. Pass this day away from his family who saw me grow, away from the people that I have been close for a living, had to be something special. And so it was. Be careful, do not misinterpret my words, I said specifically, and that does not mean bad, sad or whatever. It was particularly new.

The real magic I began to breathe on the evening of 23, and this was one thing that really brought me back to when I was a child: to see my sister Norwegian carefully scrutinize out the window, hoping to see Julenissen (Santa Claus, for us Italians) pass in front of the moon gave me one of those emotions that do not have time. The magic of Christmas is this, to believe in something. Believe in tomorrow, in an unexpected gift that comes from who knows where. It is hope that fills us, that makes Christmas different from other days.
Yesterday was a day full of emotions and strong . A day made for the family, freed from the smiles reassuring faces full of dreams and memories, an explosive mix. Cards, gifts and cards, those are after. The greatest gift was to be there all along, under a candle, to show our love each other.

At midnight, then, was the triumph of good feelings: I'm not ashamed to say it was probably the most emotionally charged moment of my life.
Gifts are always nice, but I have always been one who appreciates the little things, but more full of meaning. I was ten gifts and a letter, but I knew it was just to fill me. Once you open the envelope, read the handwriting of my mother and feel (maybe only in my imagination) its smell, was the biggest emotion I can remember. It contained the words I wanted to hear at that time, sentences that came from the heart of my family, time away from me. It was impossible to hold back the tears, and then I have not even tried to do it: I just followed the course of events, and at that moment led me to break out in a plant that has never been so true. Tears of joy, wonder and love. There was no trace of sadness, far from it. Thanks.

Now you wake up and for me Christmas is already over. A day that will wait for 364 days and goes away 'with an uncontrollable speed. But by opening, not only keep all our wishes for this event, it will be Christmas every day.

Merry Christmas to all.



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