Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Short Jeff Hardy Haircut

On tour.

Wednesday, March 9, Bodø
Write, write, write ..
I have not had much time for it lately, and that just enough to tidy up my ideas for a moment I'll take now.

'm in Bodø Airport departure lounge, where I had to stop on the journey from Oslo to Andenes. Before the flight that will take me in the Norwegian capital, even spend 2 hours and so, to kill a little 'time, I was armed with my usual pen and notebooks to scribble the marathon feeling that now crosses my mind. There are many people

in airports, people are different from each other in places, reach the goals and looks. What strikes me most of all are those with cases in which we believe may be the entire cabinet I have in my room. There are two types, but those on which I focus in the eye are people who hope to reach a new place, unknown and mysterious. Who for a holiday, and then wearing air bully, clothing and sunglasses are not perfectly matched with the weather and climate that's out. You hear them talk about the Canary Islands, Maldives and Florida, and while saying the name of their destination opens his mouth to make you understand very well.
Then there are those who instead have enclosed in the suitcase dreams of life, hopes for the future and when you cross their eyes get hit by their fear that they try to hide, or simply fail to do so. I sat in front of me a family of medioriendali, you can tell from the way they are and what they do they're running from something, perhaps by the brutality of war that paints all of hate and break the lives of their countrymen. They are trying to escape from all this, are trying to find a new home and rediscover peace and love it takes to survive, putting at stake their future without knowing the slightest thing in store for them.

then remain two other categories of travelers, those who do business with the behavior and safety that leads me to understand that the airport is part of their daily lives: their movements are almost arrogant and pretentious safe for people like me that instead, with ipod in your ears and admiration in his eyes, sought to show the emotion that strikes me every time I set foot in places like this. It will be that perhaps the number of times that I flew the account on the fingers of one hand, but being here alone, in a place so big, it makes me feel free. And that is why in what will be my new life Italian, I will try to travel as much as possible.

I do not remember if I said what is the reason of my journey. Well I do now, I will do 6 days of vacation to the south of Norway. How big is this state, moving from where I live in Oslo will go to half the km that separates me from home. So tonight at 19 I'll be a bit '"closer" to everyone:) I'm going to visit friends
met last July while I was on holiday in S. Cassiano, a small town in the Dolomites. But before that, I will stop at the place where I lived the first time in my experience. 75 days of light (a few) and shadows (too many). But today there'll watch everything with a different measure, I'll do it from outside visitors. I meet my friends, especially Michael. He is a young Belgian who was born a real friendship, and review it after 4 months and passes will be exciting. It was the person to whom I am more "clinging" in difficult times and never stop to thank you for all the times I was close. We'll remember all the many adventures and big laughs spent together, practically the only known tune of what was a sad time to say the least. Then it will still be time to say goodbye, and will be a goodbye to July, when we are on the way to return home, end foreign experience. The SPEAKER

invites passengers traveling to Oslo GATE18 heading to the airport. I have to say goodbye:) to be affected, sooner or later.


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