Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Places To Rent In The Poconos For After Prom

live and live again.

V to that story .. I said a moment ago that it had nothing to say but now I like writing so much that eventually combine a patatrak that rather than being nice, it will seem just a mess. Ok, let's try to clear up this hurricane of words that I turn around, too many words. The good thing too.

change in ideas as fast as he does the weather, here, lost in hundreds of kilometers above the Arctic Circle. Are not those high clouds that cover my head, is a blue gray brushed of that if I raise an arm almost touch.
music in my ears, "that strange," my traveling companion for life. There has always been, and is one of few things that certainly will never in my life. What would life without music? Always need a soundtrack, it's like a sticky note attached with a paper stopper to every text of the past. Brings us back to a person, a story, a love that has taken the time one evening and one that still haunts us at night. Brings us back to business, adventure and affection (perhaps his only memory) that we need.

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;.. Some past lives read like the songs, and go behind the songs.
some lives fade as fast as the songs and the songs are inside ..>>
(Not The Singer, Ligabue) .

I often listen to popular songs in a few months ago and will stick in my head intrusive memories or not, that I carry around since the radio went that music. I do not like music "popular", are I did so well that I live: taste this but I love carrying around a backpack full of what it was, that's not even a little bit more than they ever will be.
is a backpack to change, too small and worn to hold it all in, but right now I do not want to put me to empty it to filter the pleasure from the surplus. If I have it installed in will mean that even that had its time and its great significance, as well as his place if he had won. ( \u0026lt;\u0026lt; Matthew Cock, instead you should learn to empty . >> \u0026lt;\u0026lt; I know . >> ).

The problem is that the backpack that my shoulders are supporting, most of the space is occupied by promises made and received, many of which are unfinished. Promises too bulky to deprive potersene, often kept only for the weak and invisible hope, hope to see them one day realized.

" here .. This is for you, and even if it is not much, I just wanted to say who was here at the end of me. It is for you that you know who I'm speaking from, and you will like a minute and then you'll forget it .. "
(Viva!, Ligabue).

There is another one of the league, another race another lap. A song from "live and live again."
Out of life and space to dreams, a big hug.



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