Monday, January 31, 2011

Older Honeywell Thermastats

.. If tirum via el cuveerc and if impienissum of songs ..

Everything is in place, ordered as a gift shop. So many little things that look at us with a blank stare and imperceptible, sent by the better side because of their ready to capture our attention. What has changed in these crazy days, so short yet so infinite, what is not seen. You changed what you hear, the soundtrack has changed the scenario without having to move even a single comma.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

walking home, I felt observed. There was nobody with me, to observe and was briefly the world. Everything around me was careful to watch my steps one after the other on the ice that envelops the streets. A trick I learned to walk on ice without any problems is to be decided: a walk full of hesitation, caution and poverty is much more susceptible to slip than a proud and determined, even careless. Another sign of how life is constantly reflecting in our daily , gives us answers that contain metaphors for something bigger. Besides, life is a huge ice path where we stumble from time to time, without notice.

The love is gone from my life, and if I am sad for defining this would not be honest to the end. Being in love makes us vulnerable, constantly puts us on the street. Not too many sentences of fact, I do some tangible example: no more pain ahead a phone that does not light with the his name, nothing more sentences written to "fix", no more rigorous control over every little our behavior, no more sleepless nights with a bed that becomes a circus which are part of acrobats and jugglers of our thoughts and more impossible ... well I could stay here to write a thousand more examples. Now I'm relaxed, smooth and without fear. Perhaps rightly so. Maybe. Yes, because despite the millions of ups and downs is still a phenomenal magic. Am I wrong if I say that is to miss she , it is not. A miss is that maybe in love with Matthew. Now I'm back what it was before "be burned" by this strange force, I think the only time so far. He who in most things is dry and cynical, but I feel so strong, I feel that in the end have always been.

It's late, it is night. Let's try for the first time to take everything that life gives us, without excessive precautions and with a great desire to jump. As the great Davide Van de Sfroos "This is the of San Macacu, the knuckle de San Nissoen if tirum via el cuveerc and if impienissum of songs." . We riempiamoci
and all, let us live and varied. Do not be satisfied with the monotony of a world in black and white when we have a full palette of colors to use as you like. Fantasy, imagination and inspiration.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Flower Tucci Vs Sarajay

Dramatherapy: Storytelling in the Attic

Storytelling in the Attic: Memories and Performance (2011)
by Creative Drama & Theatre In-Out,
directed by E. Joachim

Video: Attic ... in YOUTUBE

Dongle Emulator Realflight

The butterfly effect.

you are the one most wanted, the one with whom I have learned many things. At this distance everything is fed: you were my war, my smiles and my anger. Then you came back with a new charm that fills you, then you're gone with the same simplicity, but this time it's really nothing left, you've taken away everything.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

phlegmatic In this Sunday in late January, you can wake up with a ray of sunshine that comes knocking on the window. The night was long, but we do not rest satisfied ever.
The perfume that you breathe out is intense, almost gives annoyance: the salt that gets into your nostrils seems that it fits into you there.
I should be sad, I should be crushed and killed. But they are not at all. I squeezed all the love like you do with an orange, which now remains only the peel. I have never regretted open me so much with her until Friday morning, but then I realized I made a huge one and only stupid. Do not play with feeling. I became lethargic, and this will make me stronger. But this time really no turning back. I can not promise me, in life there is only one thing is certain, I will try but seriously this time.

The ice covering everything outside. How celofan that wraps the objects and makes them bright, almost austere coldness. They do not say anything, and their frost look like ornaments scattered here and there without following a rule. Wherever you do not follow a logic, a design is all incredibly abstract. We, however, with the heart, which theoretically should be with our spirit of those "rebels" are the ones that instead of trying to follow a path of logical steps that once we tried to establish.

What is strange is that every step, every movement and every little attitude that we do not even think about it, will write our future. The butterfly effect, the butterfly effect. It's all a piece that we put in a position from which all others will depend. Just try to imagine a change of the past, our lives would not have this.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chest Infection How Many Days Off

Drama: above the water

Dancing Boat, FREE WORKSHOPS Workshop, 28.01.11

The Alice had taken a different route this time, approaching the coast of Lazio and fearless in the months to come cu this is usually not the case. It 's so that takes advantage of some shark, predator and hound, sniffing, because behind them some small tuna. "The sea for me ... and this boat is freedom, is the silence of the night a few miles from land, something that every trouble falling asleep, even if you're alone ..."- Franco's eyes were a little shiny and as salt water that was telling -"... and then the boat "-was pointing to the photo on the table- "... Is a crop. It 'been a long drawn out, driven by the fishermen, because otherwise the high tide, after six hours if you would be taken away." That was the sense of the deep wound on the sand, which ran from the shoreline towards the land, to stop it, put it in a safe, that shell of power at sea, a fishing boat. "Maybe the engine they took him away .... I do not see. With my partner we decided to have two sea ... it is always better ... are things you learn from the sea. There were a short distance from the coast that day and the sea began to stir ... and I thought that if we had not had the engine or it had been damaged .... that would have bumped the rocks. Since then we have always two on board. These are things you learn over time and then not fall more in the same mistakes. Yes, the sea is peace, but you need to know to take ".
Black ascoltva concerned with air and with those words he had made the film again, the voices of the sailors, the confusion seemingly disorganized, made up of water splashing, d ' instability on the boats, as many as you will hear screams ... this boat ...., networks and arms ... so many arms as he hoisted above those tuna, sparkling like the sea. "Yes, this boat must be been used much and now is resting, is as old as old is the sea and who plows ... well become old and wise too, with all those stories, and successes of uncertainties, fears, courage ...". Among those eyes and Franco Nero seemed he had initiated a ping pong table for those who do not drop any ball outside the field, a perfect pass and continuous of thoughts and emotions that do not require crushed or low blows. "I like this light, the sky is dark, but it seems that the sun wants to win at all costs ... even the white sand accentuates the shape of the shadow on the beach where there laid the boat "- Persephone left out of his voice, now shining like the sun, a conchglia invisible, able to collect and emotions, there rested askew on his lips-" It is well this place " -She had just said, but all expressed the freedom of a home on that site described open and illuminated.

"The hard work does not count, nor fears anything goes ..." - Everything changes sooner or later ... this was responding to the Sun and her director, without interruption, "... this boat has sailed a lot and I have seen things ... beautiful, ugly, and yet here it is ... resting and unharmed, and the clamor over the suspicion that sometimes they fear and distress ". It 's true wood of the boat had to be old, but still good, yet he had talked with many waves, with much wind.
"I ... yes, I was just carried away ... I had to close books, scan sheets and put writing. The photos I took, and so conducted between memories and emotions, even cucendosi something that I'm reading these days, even led me to the moon on the water this nutshell! "- A full-scale abduction behind a picture and some comments of his companions on the blog, all private, but now public.
The collection of feelings and colors that Beatrice was telling was not over. He spoke, described sitting next to the boat, under a sky that promised a cloudy, a storm, it did not matter ... It was night, but I say ... it was the time of sunset and lovers steal the light and the scent plunged into the sea at sunset. The children try to stem more a little soon to steal the waves, in the evening, that castle to the shore. The soul, however, rests and listens to live at that hour. Its Starfish, his boat could expect everything, because everything had already seen.
"The mind can become like a feather ...- he began softly-Pulcinella, in short, I mean ... can slide over the water, dive or to stay in sleeping and feel that is close to a whisper. It belongs to the boat that rest on the sea shore, up ahead on the beach "- It 's so that Pulcinella imagine the hand and used the rough sailor caressing the wood, as there was her little girl, the woman he loved. While describing is no longer with us, it was removed, figure mirrored by that light she and the golf has slipped from her shoulder, she noticed it. That place is able to make you forget, but give you many memories and visions, accompanied by a boat ... that dance.

Green, Lavender And White Bathroom

OTHER VISIONS, a singing performance for voice and harp bardic bare, N. Maroccolo C. Lauri

The in Rome on February 3 (20:30 h), the In-Out Creative Drama & Theatre, directed by psychotherapist E. Joachim, has an intense performance of voice and harp, in the context of a seminar of Cinema-Drama Therapy, open to the public and professionals.

Perfomance N. Maroccolo C. Lauri the Gallery of Modern Art, named after James
Manzù, Ardea, 8 October 2010
Maroccolo Nina, along with musician Christian Lauri delicate and modern troubadours, following the intuition and the need for "Other Visions", accompany, theatrical and singing on the stage of cinema-drama therapy, fabulous in a unique artistic performance. By activating the emotions of the public, grant it the ideal mirror in which to find.

Free admission (reservations appreciated) info.atelier @
Read press release

Monday, January 24, 2011

Farm Lessons 14 Image


Rome, February 3, 2011

The optics of a camera that takes above and below the surface of the ford. Frog Prince and half-half, the performer-character is brought into the film to revisit their gestures and clothing, while continuing to work the process drama-therapy: cinema-dramaterapia.
The Seminar will be preceded by the presentation of Volume

" Building Gaze " Plinio Perilli, Ed Mancosu, Mi.2009

Performance Started Nina Maroccolo

read the press PRESS-NET
booked info.atelier @

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Causes Of Particles In Urine

Creative Drama & Trance Performing

Actors CDIOT Atelier Freely in a trance and autogenous
still on the scene. "Blue Beard, To, Want, Need To, To Be".
December 2010
In Creative Drama (CDIOT) action stage may take place at various levels of modification of the state of Co, sometimes in a state of trance is not always visible in 'look phenomenal, but that, within the subject, contains a subtle dialogue between himself and his party. Here, it excludes the prescription Brecht maintaining a state of criticism on what is interpreted, while the stronger the appeal to the imagination with striking aspects that arise. It must be remembered that the use of suggestion will be a flagship to the discovery, the result and not an end in itself (this is the show, but not the latter). The interpretation, as has often been repeated, it is the narrator in the action I (drama) by a part of himself and no criticism could remove it from the actor, if not at risk to expropriate an area now inhabited and known. We do not have an actor in the service of a script or a dialogue between the author and, instead, always follows a profile Private and group originals. The search for the private share in the work, the characters still do not think, express, urges the mechanism of modification of the state of Co. The result is a performative action of a "possible" Hamlet, a Cyrano de Bergerac, The Lady of Ponza So is (if you like), the Pulcinella that live in them, the Phantom of the Opera, consciously or not.
But the special condition of trance is also used (see photo above) to help the process of sedimentation as experienced. There is an investigator, but an experience that listens to herself, in private, after you perform in public. The photos show the actors after the performance action, at a time of gathering, processing and emotional contact with the ghosts of his creations and has lived in the scene and the theater shortly before.

Items With The Word Golden

How strange is Life.

(piece transcribed from paper)

There is write and write. Today is one of those days when you feel the need to stop at a bar and take a piece of paper. The rest is just the heart that melts the ink.

Harstad, January 22

Jordbærpikene of Harstad from the window, you see a particular world: the sky seems to merge with the sea. Among the gray winter sprazi are white. It is light that would put its head in the clouds to see what's happening , what is happening. Lower down, however, the ocean is the same color: an immensity that reflects up.
As the dust that hovers in a desolate room covered by a ray of sunshine, the snow falls listlessly on the ground, without a goal. You ran away from heaven, but its immense journey on the wings of the wind will end on the side of a road, and the freedom of every staple that never goes down with the same trajectory only become part of an assembly that will vanish sooner or later.

We chased, avoided confrontation and removed. Then you close your eyes and you're still here: how strange life . What is one thing to last, or only the emergence of the dreams of a weekend in between, will tell the time. Today you are here, the remainder has little or nothing. One step at a time, and tomorrow is another day. A story of small achievements. The effect that I am, however, is clear: the reflection on the window establishes a Matteo not with a smile, a smile but with Matthew.

the strains of Coldplay I remember that I still have a bill. Luckily it's just the coffee that I come out here and that these pads made me forget to drink. Let us, then we get distracted, it is always the case. But if these are just distractions, then forget about me I would pay for a coffee on the table every day.

The song in the headphones so I said:

".. and tell me you love me, come back and haunt me,
oh and The rush to the start.
Running in circles, chasing tails,
and coming back as we are .. "

Want to see it then so?


Friday, January 21, 2011

Every Day Ms Symptoms

Meet Gianni De Angelis, actor In & Out of Creative Drama Theatre Drama Theatre

Gianni De Angelis , actor Creative Drama In & Out Theatre,
in the role of Gilles De Rais, Drama
piece "Blue Beard, Want To, To Need, To Be, "
E. Joachim, December 2010.
a role, one that refers to a part (the character) in the Drama Theatre is always in a dress which inhabits the actor (the meeting point is the dynamic between performer and character). The previous workshops that precede the final piece makes the character work in the interpreter that is never a part of the performer. It , when it comes out, never totally complete (this interpretation would otherwise play) will be the "show" understood in Grotowski. As for his participation will be story about clumsy, clever, personal crutches who seek accommodations in exchange for visibility to the public. Drama last performance, Gianni De Angelis has fully expressed this concept, living at the same time the character of himself and what it was revealing and showing. Masterful interpretation, full of sense and willing to evoke. Director

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sayings For Your Business

: glosses and icons to the history of CDIOT

A 'snapshot piece of Bluebeard, To, Want, Need To, To Be.
Director and actor. December 2010
The project path consists of a mix of ideas and people walking on a track, but we can also say that, at the same time, create the track under their feet and soles, as you go. In this sense, reflection and processing, in CDIOT (In-Out Creative Drama & Theatre), for example, are captured dynamically, and really thought through the thinking subject. Where the uncertainty principle does not preclude the experience, made mostly of contamination, welcome to what interferes, it is unusual and gives a sign of itself, the most hidden areas of the person. The traffic jam is pleludio agile, the error illuminating to slip, hesitation the suggestion from the inside. Message difficult to accept, in the dispute and division among the due and wanted to, possible or unknown that every person, and therefore the plaintiff carries.
Think back for a moment, that shows how elected Grotoswsky technique of "splitting the action" beyond its formulaic repetition and too perfect, to be re-state it in ourselves. Yes, to report those personal moments of "attribution of meaning" that straddle between intention and action.
Introspection is a term that remains poorly suited to what I'm describing, because it translates into a trip , remaining outside. The actors of CDIOT well know that different is the process of 'In-Out through our Drama Theatre, with whom you work the drama. E 'state of consciousness that we accept is changed (why should we call in the shadows), to develop what I am defining.

Sometimes the spectator that each of us is incomprehensible to see a show, rather surprised: comnprende not what is happening, while "reading" their shares, where is the "new" (apparently new)? But this is positive, because it indicates, once again, the road to avoid the narcissism of the "show" personal or group that is private or public, whether or not justified by the ability actorial, that is, "now I understand." He suggests listening to the finer, less noisy, a clap of the hands that can take place, private, humble, shy to the stage machinery, as a gift of themselves to themselves and the public.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Where Can I Buy Zarina Bleaching Cream

Dramatherapy: A Spot on a Boat

sull'istantanea A spot of history that these actors narreranno.Uno spot in broad daylight, depicts a different story, the anonymous subtracts the breeze of a place never visited and makes become yours. Appointment to the January 28, with a brief written history.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Much Should A Cap Cost

Just a song, just a song. January 16

.. Just a song this time ..

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;.. but basically does the same, basically what I want
is that you are happy, see you smile ..
and nothing more ..>>

How Much Does Xanax Cost On Street

Dancing Drama: The boat that

The boat continued to plow through the sand, motionless. A deep furrow, insisting the weight of the wood on the beach which marks ghiglia, stranded time and the sky up there. Feeling that does not require large spaces, rather than chasing time and perfumes. Hold.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

When To Buy A Tv, After Super

The first rays of sun after months of eternal darkness and hope, are a revelation. It is the waking life, the emergence of a new adventure. No matter how little has been done to see, I know that from now on there will always One moment more.

Sunday, January 16

Every Sunday everything closes to make way for the new that is. The bare branches are covered with snow ice that cuts with extreme would go further but that they had to stop because of age and the succession of events. Bright, however, in their cold. The sun has arrived.
Life in the North proceeds as is the curved line of a spiral round and round to go back to where it was playing, but never overlap at the point of departure. Everything turns, everything goes and returns, but not always what the weather brings us back is the same as that first led us on. Better or worse, but it will never be the same.

stumbled often in error to sit on a bench and watch people going, a metaphor for a larger waiting in which we prefer to stop to observe the life that passes in front of us, hoping to be able to recover the pieces that we have lost the path. It should perhaps instead catch up and continue. Maybe one day we might get back what we were looking for, but will be in a different circumstance. When we stop only hope to get back something we had, we only lose a billion opportunities that life presents to us in every little trifle, in countless forms. Understand it, is something I'm learning, to act accordingly, however, I need more time.

The noise of the coffee and "salt" by mocha, accompanied by its unique scent, invite me to go. I'm going to take this little piece of Italy. Moments with a different tune. It will only be a habit, but perhaps a lifetime, it is, until we understand how to put his head out and breathe new air.


Saturday, January 15, 2011


Dance Drama: An Attic of Heart

the attic of the Heart, Drama Workshop Free, January 14, 2010
@ Director

A group of friends "you said just a dream. It did not matter who it was, it was just important to be there ... all to dig an old attic. So old that might have been forgotten since the last mouse and also the only animals that were on display were just those little spiders on the canvas, too sleepy to share the dream. In fact, they were probably just stop. Ah yes that everything slows down in that place, even the gestures are discovering things, under the thick blanket of dust, "as an old blanket ..." said a girl, sun, just rising. Phoenix is \u200b\u200bliterally fell on a table long enough to hold on, arranged in columns disordered, some dusty volumes. But this did not prevent Livia, on the other side of the table, to investigate on a block of letters held together by a red ribbon. The slow movements and thought become a basket that can accommodate things that come from far and push them even further, with the energy of emotion. And the curiosity!
was just so curious Mareliz and above all "greedy." This time preceded the "journey" of his uncle on the "sovereda, he had spared the complicity of the" theft "of sweet and was making the" theft of the century "! There, in the cupboard, even by the dim light faded, there were thousand sweet ... Oh God not just a thousand, maybe a little less, much less ... that "the grandmother kept, and share." Pearl sugar on those cookies and sugary love to make the days of her and other children. Now he had the courage and only for a moment he was overawed by the eye of that rocking horse that the Sun was determined to move, only a time ritmazione also well become infinite between those eyes and those hands in search of discovery.
Bleu, meanwhile, was sitting in a corner of the attic to see their friends and memories, not at all distracted by the noise caused in Phoenix obstinate attempt to open a secret drawer under the table. "Hey," exclaimed at him, then we shall find! And then, you do not see (?) There is no drawer is ... only a crack in the wood ... "But that could be important, when you want to discover something, while you are looking for!
Meanwhile, his eyes moistened Beatrice watched, along with those of Persephone, into the light sull'abbaino light of some cracks. The campaign was spread with its smells and tastes a thousand miles away near the place of dusty, with a spell as strong. So many things, so different, they can live by! This time the father had taken her to pick the olives, along with her sisters. tabnto She liked that operation, you are closer to the smell of the earth. And he thought that perhaps the good taste of tarallo covered with frosting could cover the loss. Persephone and thanked the little bit into sweet.
Mareliz's mouth was too full to accept another, his little heart and gentle thief too pleased to be able to steal the cake before the grandmother's hands measured, and appeared a little distracted, but only for a little bit, because Luna had reached the group just now. Absolutely reckless, had shouted "Ah ... it is here that you had driven." A choral shhhhhhhhhhhhh band of immobility as if it were the work of the "Big Spider" who was daydreaming Blue, good and prolific in his personal story.
The adventure was not over, too many things curious and strange, old and forgotten in this place so "unconscious", and hidden magic. They would continue to search through letters and stuffed animals, comic books and blankets abandoned, a saga of adventure complicit in that place of dreams. Only spectator of the disturbing picture, great-grandfather. We looked for a moment and without losing even a single act of what you did! But you could count on one thing: the bottom was always a relative of one of them and then, as always, would keep the secret.
the attic of the Heart, "he told the writer of a collection of poems, several years ago.
And you know, the heart is immense.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getchen Monokini On Open

Drama & Literature Literature & Drama 2 3

Attic e. ..
dust, trunk, books, photographs, letters, scale, mirror, cabinet, frame, worms, candle, skylight, roof tiles, spiders & spider webs, ghosts, aliens ...
dark shadows, footprint, footsteps, silence, Gigolo, squeak, chirp, sky, moon & amp, stars, wind, snow ...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tctv System Seriennummer

attic and Fear
attic and Mystery
Secret Attic and Attic
and Treasury
attic and Nostalgia
attic and Solitude
Attic and Love
attic and Past
Attic and Dream
and Magic Attic Attic
and Fugue

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fotos De Mujeres Con Faja

Drama & Literature 1: Immanent Tip

There is a nail that can be used to coat rack, there crooked on the wall, after the failed attempt to hang a picture of the great-grandfather in the attic of time rusted and gagged by gently paintings of tiny spiders. They are true inhabitants of that place. The painting lacks the grip of the hook, while our clothes are used to being dragged by their sleeves. For the spiders did not make any difference, neither for the great-grandfather also well addicted to games of chess with Lord God for many years. And 'my personal embarrassment out of time to accommodate my coat and found myself squashed on a portrait on the wall. Matter of time, say perhaps Cortazar.

Photo: jump to watch a beautifult photo of super_iwan "spider web rom eltham cinema"

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Looking Hot With Shirt Untucked


The small crescent moon in the dark sky tells us a few things, but there is a lot to understand. It makes us understand how people can be interesting even if we are almost completely hidden by a shadow, makes us understand that its form although we can not see it all in its fullness, the rest is behind a bit 'dark.

Saturday, January 8

remained on the Christmas tree lights, shine not for long. They know their time is up, and will have to return to their silence for another 11 months or more. Do not complain, they can not. Their time is and they know all they can do has a beginning and an end, do not pretend to keep us company too much. In doing so we will stay with a smile, knowing that if they go from tomorrow we will start to wait for their return.
We will again do the countdown to get to Christmas, to get to the day when we believe that all our desires have the right to be heard. Then it is not always the case, but the hope is that makes everything different.

pulls cold outside air, you cut the skin. Walking against the wind is a real fighter and a metaphor: it puts you to the test and is often not the best solution. Other times, however, is the only one to reach the objective, once achieved has a different flavor, a hard-earned victory.

The wind is breaking into things, make noise. It seems that knock on the door, as if he wanted to enter. Its power is in vain, however: the only thing that able to move the snow crystals are then going to rest somewhere else.

The rest that reigns around us, silence is copyright. Fill it or not, it will be our choice.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Brazillian Wax Lowell Ma

Dramatica Theatre: the Atelier at the starting Dramatica: Sa ... Greetings from

Dramatica Theater: The Atelier at the starting Dramatica: Sa ... : "An action of CDIOT perfom an actor, under the leadership of the director (December 2010) Dear student, with your membership ..."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Used Skidoo Skandic Or Tundra For Sale

Our puzzle.

Whenever we start to write a new page, we try to do it better. We choose the pen that writes better, the writing clearer and more beautiful line to follow. Everything nice if it were not for the fact that we get tired of it too soon. So is not the way that counts, but is the content.

Wednesday, January 5

The bus I mentioned above there, it arrived. We turned the corner, but that is not change that much. The only thing different that I find is that the date of the last four digits is taken. Eye that these are facts that really changes your life! (...)

New year, new life? Maybe not. I think that is the affirmation of those looking for something new in life but do not want to get really, really not want to change the tables. Then there is rely on a cliché, but it just will not go anywhere. What we have is often not what we want, but we are afraid of change or risk having something worse. I'm not complaining, not everything is what I want, but this does not mean that I do not like.

Our life is a great puzzle. Some have chosen to be 20, and those from the 2000, but still puzzle remains. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is no picture to follow which take their starting point, and we "only" find the pieces that we like from a mountain of them, succeeding in making them fit together perfectly. You can take handfuls and handfuls of bits and then fail to assemble even two, but can only allows choosing a pair and make them adhere to perfection. Eventually it will be increasingly realized that he has the two pieces together well. Do not mind having a lot of things, the important thing is to to match those that have, even if they are few. Then, once you've built your center, you can try to add something to the edges, but without undoing everything to put the new piece in the middle. For all its space. Then do otherwise risks losing the stability of the rest.

While I'm trying to work with. I try to maybe try to replace some big piece that I'm someone who does not make you feel the difference. Maybe why not get to get someone to put it tight and rare among others. But everything has to live with.
But I just got the puzzle of life.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Product Number Quickbooks Premier 2010

Supplement Subject

Care Girls and Boys, rarely speak on the blog, but I follow step by step what you are creating and collaborating with the vs. director behind the scenes. This time I take one because I need space for more intense to extend my best wishes for the new year and for the sensitive and careful work you do with the theater and then this "Drama" ... so hard (just your director could think something so 'strange!).
But true wishes aside, even a thank you for participating the evening where I could introduce my novel, in a setting of warmth and beautiful performance Drama Special. You are good, what to say! Live and on video to convey involvement, which generally gets hard to solicit any experimental theater, which is not fully known. Yet, the people attended, knew that there, on that evening have complimented me for you, while you complimented me with the book. An evening special, refined, but especially between friends, the photos show it. Who knows one day or another you might think of staging as "direct object"!
this and more ... now who will stop you anymore! Hugs, Belinda.

Novel: Supplement Subject , Flavia Pitorri, Phase Editore, 2010