Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chest Infection How Many Days Off

Drama: above the water

Dancing Boat, FREE WORKSHOPS Workshop, 28.01.11

The Alice had taken a different route this time, approaching the coast of Lazio and fearless in the months to come cu this is usually not the case. It 's so that takes advantage of some shark, predator and hound, sniffing, because behind them some small tuna. "The sea for me ... and this boat is freedom, is the silence of the night a few miles from land, something that every trouble falling asleep, even if you're alone ..."- Franco's eyes were a little shiny and as salt water that was telling -"... and then the boat "-was pointing to the photo on the table- "... Is a crop. It 'been a long drawn out, driven by the fishermen, because otherwise the high tide, after six hours if you would be taken away." That was the sense of the deep wound on the sand, which ran from the shoreline towards the land, to stop it, put it in a safe, that shell of power at sea, a fishing boat. "Maybe the engine they took him away .... I do not see. With my partner we decided to have two sea ... it is always better ... are things you learn from the sea. There were a short distance from the coast that day and the sea began to stir ... and I thought that if we had not had the engine or it had been damaged .... that would have bumped the rocks. Since then we have always two on board. These are things you learn over time and then not fall more in the same mistakes. Yes, the sea is peace, but you need to know to take ".
Black ascoltva concerned with air and with those words he had made the film again, the voices of the sailors, the confusion seemingly disorganized, made up of water splashing, d ' instability on the boats, as many as you will hear screams ... this boat ...., networks and arms ... so many arms as he hoisted above those tuna, sparkling like the sea. "Yes, this boat must be been used much and now is resting, is as old as old is the sea and who plows ... well become old and wise too, with all those stories, and successes of uncertainties, fears, courage ...". Among those eyes and Franco Nero seemed he had initiated a ping pong table for those who do not drop any ball outside the field, a perfect pass and continuous of thoughts and emotions that do not require crushed or low blows. "I like this light, the sky is dark, but it seems that the sun wants to win at all costs ... even the white sand accentuates the shape of the shadow on the beach where there laid the boat "- Persephone left out of his voice, now shining like the sun, a conchglia invisible, able to collect and emotions, there rested askew on his lips-" It is well this place " -She had just said, but all expressed the freedom of a home on that site described open and illuminated.

"The hard work does not count, nor fears anything goes ..." - Everything changes sooner or later ... this was responding to the Sun and her director, without interruption, "... this boat has sailed a lot and I have seen things ... beautiful, ugly, and yet here it is ... resting and unharmed, and the clamor over the suspicion that sometimes they fear and distress ". It 's true wood of the boat had to be old, but still good, yet he had talked with many waves, with much wind.
"I ... yes, I was just carried away ... I had to close books, scan sheets and put writing. The photos I took, and so conducted between memories and emotions, even cucendosi something that I'm reading these days, even led me to the moon on the water this nutshell! "- A full-scale abduction behind a picture and some comments of his companions on the blog, all private, but now public.
The collection of feelings and colors that Beatrice was telling was not over. He spoke, described sitting next to the boat, under a sky that promised a cloudy, a storm, it did not matter ... It was night, but I say ... it was the time of sunset and lovers steal the light and the scent plunged into the sea at sunset. The children try to stem more a little soon to steal the waves, in the evening, that castle to the shore. The soul, however, rests and listens to live at that hour. Its Starfish, his boat could expect everything, because everything had already seen.
"The mind can become like a feather ...- he began softly-Pulcinella, in short, I mean ... can slide over the water, dive or to stay in sleeping and feel that is close to a whisper. It belongs to the boat that rest on the sea shore, up ahead on the beach "- It 's so that Pulcinella imagine the hand and used the rough sailor caressing the wood, as there was her little girl, the woman he loved. While describing is no longer with us, it was removed, figure mirrored by that light she and the golf has slipped from her shoulder, she noticed it. That place is able to make you forget, but give you many memories and visions, accompanied by a boat ... that dance.


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