Saturday, January 22, 2011

Causes Of Particles In Urine

Creative Drama & Trance Performing

Actors CDIOT Atelier Freely in a trance and autogenous
still on the scene. "Blue Beard, To, Want, Need To, To Be".
December 2010
In Creative Drama (CDIOT) action stage may take place at various levels of modification of the state of Co, sometimes in a state of trance is not always visible in 'look phenomenal, but that, within the subject, contains a subtle dialogue between himself and his party. Here, it excludes the prescription Brecht maintaining a state of criticism on what is interpreted, while the stronger the appeal to the imagination with striking aspects that arise. It must be remembered that the use of suggestion will be a flagship to the discovery, the result and not an end in itself (this is the show, but not the latter). The interpretation, as has often been repeated, it is the narrator in the action I (drama) by a part of himself and no criticism could remove it from the actor, if not at risk to expropriate an area now inhabited and known. We do not have an actor in the service of a script or a dialogue between the author and, instead, always follows a profile Private and group originals. The search for the private share in the work, the characters still do not think, express, urges the mechanism of modification of the state of Co. The result is a performative action of a "possible" Hamlet, a Cyrano de Bergerac, The Lady of Ponza So is (if you like), the Pulcinella that live in them, the Phantom of the Opera, consciously or not.
But the special condition of trance is also used (see photo above) to help the process of sedimentation as experienced. There is an investigator, but an experience that listens to herself, in private, after you perform in public. The photos show the actors after the performance action, at a time of gathering, processing and emotional contact with the ghosts of his creations and has lived in the scene and the theater shortly before.


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