Friday, January 21, 2011

Every Day Ms Symptoms

Meet Gianni De Angelis, actor In & Out of Creative Drama Theatre Drama Theatre

Gianni De Angelis , actor Creative Drama In & Out Theatre,
in the role of Gilles De Rais, Drama
piece "Blue Beard, Want To, To Need, To Be, "
E. Joachim, December 2010.
a role, one that refers to a part (the character) in the Drama Theatre is always in a dress which inhabits the actor (the meeting point is the dynamic between performer and character). The previous workshops that precede the final piece makes the character work in the interpreter that is never a part of the performer. It , when it comes out, never totally complete (this interpretation would otherwise play) will be the "show" understood in Grotowski. As for his participation will be story about clumsy, clever, personal crutches who seek accommodations in exchange for visibility to the public. Drama last performance, Gianni De Angelis has fully expressed this concept, living at the same time the character of himself and what it was revealing and showing. Masterful interpretation, full of sense and willing to evoke. Director


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