Saturday, January 29, 2011

Green, Lavender And White Bathroom

OTHER VISIONS, a singing performance for voice and harp bardic bare, N. Maroccolo C. Lauri

The in Rome on February 3 (20:30 h), the In-Out Creative Drama & Theatre, directed by psychotherapist E. Joachim, has an intense performance of voice and harp, in the context of a seminar of Cinema-Drama Therapy, open to the public and professionals.

Perfomance N. Maroccolo C. Lauri the Gallery of Modern Art, named after James
Manzù, Ardea, 8 October 2010
Maroccolo Nina, along with musician Christian Lauri delicate and modern troubadours, following the intuition and the need for "Other Visions", accompany, theatrical and singing on the stage of cinema-drama therapy, fabulous in a unique artistic performance. By activating the emotions of the public, grant it the ideal mirror in which to find.

Free admission (reservations appreciated) info.atelier @
Read press release


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